Colorado Springs Driveway Sealcoating
If you want your asphalt driveway to remain safe and beautiful for years to come, it needs to be maintained with sealcoating. This is a protective layer applied to your driveway that acts as an barrier, protecting it from all sorts of things, be it weeds, cracks, or the elements. It can even return a lustrous shine to your pavement. Riley’s Asphalt stands ready to provide this valuable service to you.
What Separates Us From The Competition
We here at Riley’s Asphalt understand that you, as a customer, have a lot of contractors to choose from. Because of this, we do many things to stand out from the crowd and give you a good reason to choose us. Our family-owned business has thirty years of experience, and in that time, we’ve learned some valuable things: we’re upfront about our prices, communicate promptly with our clients, work around their schedule, and even offer our services as a complete start-to-finish package, from planning to completion.
We’re dedicated to treating all of our clients as family, as we would want to be treated if we were a client. We always give it our all and strive to provide the best possible service we can.
Why Should I Sealcoat My Driveway?
The main reason to sealcoat your asphalt driveway is to extend its lifespan. The material only lasts so long, and the more weathering it endures over time, the less time it will last, especially in colder climates like here in Colorado Springs. An asphalt driveway that is never sealcoated tends to last around 10 years before being so damaged that it’s unsalvageable.
This is due to several factors. First up is oxidation of the top layer, which occurs naturally over time. This makes the surface of the asphalt brittle and dry, causing it to crack more easily. In turn, that leads to more cracking which leads to potholes.
As these cracks grow over time, water will start to seep inside of them, causing even more problems. When this water gets down to the base layers of your driveway, it can cause that material to shift or settle. Furthermore, in colder climates where water can freeze, you have to worry about the freeze-thaw cycle too. The water that gets down into your driveway cracks expands when frozen. Both of these things will contribute to widening cracks and cause potholes in your driveway.
If these problems go untreated for too long, your driveway will become so damaged that the only way to get it back up to snuff is a complete driveway replacement, and that is a very costly procedure: repairing asphalt is cheaper if it isn’t too damaged. When you apply sealcoating early in the lifespan of your driveway, it protects it from these hazards, ensuring a much longer lifespan. Furthermore, a good sealcoat will improve the appearance of your driveway, which increases curb appeal.
Will Driveway Sealcoating Save Me Money?
As mentioned above, the point of driveway sealcoating is to act as a shield. It’s preventative maintenance that aims to save you money by preventing a much more costly expense down the line. Sealcoating your driveway every 2-4 years will extend the life of the driveway from 10-15 years to 20-30 years.
Think of it like buying a good, strong case for a new phone. Yes, the case might be an expensive upfront investment, but if it protects your much more expensive phone from needing repairs or replacement, it’s ultimately saving you money.
Ready To Get Started?
As you can see, driveway sealcoating is an excellent investment if you are already considering driveway paving, or even if you already have an existing asphalt driveway that needs some protection. If you’re ready to take the next step and protect your driveway, contact us today for a no-obligation free estimate for the cost of your project.

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